
小提琴家Eugenia Cho在 OPUS130 10月11日晚上7:30

Violinist Eugenia Cho (MM ’25) is a first year master’s student in the MSM 管弦乐表现 program, studying under the tutelage of 大卫陈 和 Lisa Kim. 我们和Eugenia谈论了即将到来的 OPUS130 concert in Neidorff-Kaparti Hall, her time at MSM so far, 和 more!


来自安娜堡的Eugenia Cho, Michigan is a recent graduate of the University of Michigan School of Music, 剧院, 和舞蹈. She has always been passionate about orchestral playing 和 has been concertmaster 和 principal position for numerous orchestras, including the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra 和 校园 Symphony Orchestra, as well as in four consecutive seasons of the Michigan All State & 荣誉管弦乐队.

She’s worked with musicians such as Wynton Marsalis 和 the 爵士乐 at Lincoln Center Orchestra,  威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的Oriol Sans说, 博士和. Larry Livingston of the University of Southern California (USC) who awarded her a full scholarship to attend the Idyllwild Chamber Festival Intensive in 2018.

今年夏天, Eugenia was selected to be a fellow in the Aspen 进行 Academy (ACA) Orchestra at the Aspen Music Festival.


JT Kane, Dean of Instrumental Studies 和 管弦乐表现 explains the meaning of the title OPUS130

“We were brainstorming a name for the OP orchestra 和 I suggested calling it OPUS130. My thoughts were that obviously, OPUS is a reference to music. But under that, it incorporates 管弦乐表现 “OP” 和 “US” as in a group. The 130 is in reference to the MSM address 和 David pointed out that Opus 130 is a famous Beethoven String Quartet. So, it all kind of fell into place one Sunday morning!”)

7:30 PM

亚瑟•李 (MM’23),钢琴

卡洛斯·西蒙 命运战胜一切
阿尔弗雷德•施尼特 钢琴与弦乐团协奏曲
门德尔松 交响曲》. 4 in A Major, Op. 90(“意大利”)

亚瑟•李 is a winner of Manhattan School of Music’s 2022–2023 Eisenberg-Fried Concerto Competition 


Funded in part by a grant from the New York City Tourism Foundation.


Eugenia (center) with her friends during rehearsal at MSM

Why would you recommend that people come to the OPUS130 concert?

尤金尼亚: MSM students in particular should come 和 watch this concert to support your friends 和 peers! I know it’s barely been a month into the academic year, but even if you recognize just one person from one of your classes in the orchestra or have never spoken to anyone in the orchestra, it will be a great way to bond 和 get a conversation going with your peers.

也, we are playing such a wide variety of music from different genres 和 time periods, which is super interesting to play as the performer but I also think will be really interesting to listen to as the audience!

What is your favorite piece in the concert 和 why?

尤金尼亚: I think my favorite piece in this cycle has to be the Mendelssohn Italian Symphony, even though it’s so difficult in so many different ways. There’s the major violin excerpt in this symphony 和 to be able to hear that little blurb 在上下文中 is really exciting 和 I feel like I can get a better idea of how to actually play the excerpt. Each movement has such a different character, which makes it very fun to play.

What’s your favorite thing about working with David Chen?

尤金尼亚: 陈大师给我们排练的时候很认真. 他不只是讨论整体的凝聚力, 语调, 节奏, which are all important for a strong foundation of an orchestra, but Maestro Chen talks to us about how to make the piece come alive 和 give it character. He also suggests in what ways we can make the specific sound come out (both emotionally 和 technically), which is much different than a lot of conductors I am used to working with.

“Having an open mind will really help you exp和 your already deep underst和ing of music 和 broaden your horizons on so many different aspects of your life!”

你对今年有什么期待? Any special MSM performances or performances in the city you’re particularly looking forward to?

尤金尼亚: I’m looking forward to improving my technique with my new teachers 和 hopefully finding more opportunities to play 和 explore around this huge city. I think I am most excited (和 slightly terrified) for the 教师-Student side-by-side concert because I feel like seeing our professors in their element, 在上下文中, 会是一次鼓舞人心的经历吗.

I am also definitely looking forward to the Wynton Marsalis 小提琴手的故事  concert  — I played with the 爵士乐 at Lincoln Center Orchestra last year 和 it was such a fun concert to be a part of, so it would be really great to get to connect with them again.

What piece of advice do you have for anybody interested in pursuing violin at MSM?

尤金尼亚: 带着开放的心态来! 这是纽约! Whether it’s at school or around the various neighborhoods, 你会遇到很多不同的人, 看到这么多不同的东西, 听到这么多不同的风格.

Having an open mind will really help you exp和 your already deep underst和ing of music 和 broaden your horizons on so many different aspects of your life!


尤金尼亚: 我一直在听劳菲的新专辑 迷惑了 不间断的. It’s a perfect blend of jazz, lofi, 和 pop, 和 it gives off fall vibes that I’m so obsessed with.


